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REVIEWpublished: 10 April 2015

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00390

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 1 April 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 390

Edited by:

Marcus Cheetham,

University of Zürich, Switzerland

Reviewed by:

Ian Clara,

University of Manitoba, Canada

Tyler John Burleigh,

University of Guelph, Canada


Jari Kätsyri,

Department of Computer Science,

School of Science, Aalto University,

PO Box 15500, FIN-00076 Aalto,

Espoo, Finland


Specialty section:

This article was submitted to Cognitive

Science, a section of the journal

Frontiers in Psychology

Received: 15 August 2014

Accepted: 19 March 2015

Published: 10 April 2015


Kätsyri J, Förger K, MäkäräinenM and

Takala T (2015) A review of empirical

evidence on different uncanny valley

hypotheses: support for perceptual

mismatch as one road to the valley of

eeriness. Front. Psychol. 6:390.

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00390

A review of empirical evidence ondifferent uncanny valley hypotheses:support for perceptual mismatch asone road to the valley of eerinessJari Kätsyri *, Klaus Förger, Meeri Mäkäräinen and Tapio Takala

Department of Computer Science, School of Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

The uncanny valley hypothesis, proposed already in the 1970s, suggests that almost

but not fully humanlike artificial characters will trigger a profound sense of unease. This

hypothesis has become widely acknowledged both in the popular media and scientific

research. Surprisingly, empirical evidence for the hypothesis has remained inconsistent.

In the present article, we reinterpret the original uncanny valley hypothesis and review

empirical evidence for different theoretically motivated uncanny valley hypotheses. The

uncanny valley could be understood as the naïve claim that any kind of human-likeness

manipulation will lead to experienced negative affinity at close-to-realistic levels. More

recent hypotheses have suggested that the uncanny valley would be caused by

artificial–human categorization difficulty or by a perceptual mismatch between artificial

and human features. Original formulation also suggested that movement would modulate

the uncanny valley. The reviewed empirical literature failed to provide consistent support

for the naïve uncanny valley hypothesis or the modulatory effects of movement.

Results on the categorization difficulty hypothesis were still too scarce to allow drawing

firm conclusions. In contrast, good support was found for the perceptual mismatch

hypothesis. Taken together, the present review findings suggest that the uncanny valley

exists only under specific conditions. More research is still needed to pinpoint the exact

conditions under which the uncanny valley phenomenon manifests itself.

Keywords: uncanny valley, human-likeness, anthropomorphism, perceptual mismatch, categorical perception,

computer animation


Masahito Mori predicted already in the 1970s that although people would in general have favor-able reactions toward increasingly humanlike robots, almost but not fully human robots wouldbe unsettling (Mori, 1970). Mori used a hypothetical curve to characterize this relationship, andcoined the sudden dip in this curve at almost humanlike levels as the uncanny valley (Figure 1).AlthoughMori focused on robots and other mechanical devices, the hypothesis was general enoughto incorporate other domains as well. Some relevant technological innovations, such as prostheticlimbs and prototypes of anthropomorphic robots, already existed at the time when the uncannyvalley hypothesis was published (cf. Mori, 1970). However, the uncanny valley hypothesis hasbecome fully topical only during the last two decades or so, during which computer animationtechnologies have seen rapid advances. Although highly realistic computer-animated faces can


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Kätsyri et al. Uncanny review

FIGURE 1 | Mori’s uncanny valley curve demonstrating the non-linear

relationship between the human-likeness of stimuli (clearly artificial to

fully human-like) and the observers’ sense of affinity for them (negative

to positive). Human-likeness levels (L1to L4) that correspond roughly with the

turning points of the curves have been highlighted on the horizontal axis, and

the uncanny valley proper has been emphasized with a dark gray color.

Adapted with permission from MacDorman (2005).

already be produced (e.g., Alexander et al., 2010; Perry, 2014),contemporary computer animation techniques still tend to suf-fer from subtle imperfections related for example to rendering,lighting, surface materials, and movement dynamics. Hence, itis not surprising that the uncanny valley hypothesis has beenadopted to explain the poor commercial success of some ani-mated films in the media (cf. citations in Brenton et al., 2005;Geller, 2008; Eberle, 2009; Misselhorn, 2009; Pollick, 2010). Theuncanny valley hypothesis has also motivated research in variousfields beyond robotics and computer animation including, butnot limited to, developmental psychology (Matsuda et al., 2012),neuroimaging (e.g., Cheetham et al., 2011; Saygin et al., 2012),animal studies (Steckenfinger and Ghazanfar, 2009), Bayesianstatistics (Moore, 2012), and philosophy (Misselhorn, 2009).

Against this background, it is surprising that empirical evi-dence for the uncanny valley hypothesis is still ambiguous if notnon-existent. Early research reviews from year 2005 noted thelack of empirical studies on the uncanny valley (Brenton et al.,2005; Gee et al., 2005; Hanson, 2005). To our knowledge, empir-ical evidence for the existence of the uncanny valley has stillnot been reviewed systematically. Several reviews have elaboratedthe original hypothesis and its underlying mechanisms (Ishig-uro, 2006, 2007; Tondu and Bardou, 2011) or applied the originalhypothesis in specific contexts (Eberle, 2009), but these reviewshave not taken clear sides on the existence of the uncanny valley.Two recent reviews have concluded that the empirical evidencefor the uncanny valley is either absent or inconsistent (Pollick,2010; Zlotowski et al., 2013). These reviews have, however, citeddirect evidence from relatively few studies that pertained directlyto their specific fields (psychology and human-robot interac-tion, respectively). A possible reason for the lack of empiricalresearch reviews could be that although a plethora of uncanny

valley articles have been published, it is difficult to identify whichof them have tested the original hypothesis directly and whichhave been merely derived from it.

It is also possible that there exist not one but many plausibleuncanny valley hypotheses. Because the original uncanny valleyhypothesis was intended as a broadly applicable guideline ratherthan an explicit experimental hypothesis (cf. Pollick, 2010), itis likely to be consistent with several more specific hypothe-ses. Some of these hypotheses could be derived from establishedpsychological constructs and theories. In some cases, minoradjustments to the original uncanny valley hypothesis could bejustified. Because the two major dimensions of the uncannyvalley—the human-likeness of stimuli and the observers’ experi-ence of affinity for them—were not defined clearly in the originaluncanny valley formulation, these dimensions could be oper-ationalized in various different ways. Consequently, differentuncanny valley studies could end up addressing different the-oretical constructs and hypotheses depending on their specificmethodological decisions. Because the human-likeness is diffi-cult to operationalize, confounding factors and other alternativeexplanations could also limit the conclusions that can be drawnfrom individual studies.

The main goal of the present article was to review up-to-date empirical research evidence for a framework of plausibleuncanny valley hypotheses derived from the original uncannyvalley article (Mori, 1970) and other more recent publications.The review consists of five major sections. First, we will providean interpretation of the original human-likeness and affinitydimensions of the uncanny valley (Section An Interpretation ofthe Uncanny Valley). We will argue that a literal interpretationof Mori’s original examples, especially those involving morbidcharacters (i.e., corpses and zombies), would confound human-likeness with extraneous factors. We will also suggest that theoriginal formulation of the affinity dimension could be inter-preted both in terms of perceptual familiarity and emotionalvalence. Second, we will formulate a framework of empiricallytestable uncanny valley hypotheses based on the preceding anal-ysis (Section A Framework of Uncanny Valley Hypotheses). Inaddition, we will reiterate the recent categorization ambiguityand perceptual mismatch hypotheses (e.g., Brenton et al., 2005;Pollick, 2010; Cheetham et al., 2011). Third, we will formu-late explicit criteria for article inclusion and evaluation (Sec-tion Article Selection and Evaluation). Fourth, we will reviewempirical evidence for the formulated hypotheses based on theadopted evaluation criteria (Section Review of Empirical Evi-dence). Finally, we will discuss the implications and limitationsof our findings and consider open questions in uncanny valleyresearch (Section Discussion).

An Interpretation of the Uncanny Valley

What Is Human-Likeness?Human-likeness is not a single quality of artificial charactersthat could be traced back to specific static, dynamic, or behav-ioral features—instead, human-likeness could be varied in analmost infinite number of different ways. Mori (1970) him-self used anecdotal examples to characterize different degrees

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Kätsyri et al. Uncanny review

of human-likeness. We have highlighted some of these exam-ples in Figure 1 and summarized them in Table 1. The hypo-thetical human-likeness levels corresponding with the selectedexamples have been labeled from L1 to L4. Mori used indus-trial robots (L1) as an example of the least humanlike characterswith any resemblance to real humans. Although clearly artifi-cial, such characters have some remotely humanlike characteris-tics, such as arms for gripping objects. Stuffed animals and toyrobots (L2) were placed close to the first peak of the uncannycurve. Like industrial robots, these characters are clearly artifi-cial; however, unlike industrial robots, such characters have alsobeen purposefully designed to resemble humans. Mori placedtwo different kinds of objects or characters near the bottom ofthe valley. First, Mori mentioned prosthetic hands (L3) as anexample of manmade artifacts that have been meant to appearhumanlike but that have failed to do so because of some arti-ficial qualities. Second, Mori mentioned human corpses andzombies (Lm) when considering danger avoidance as a spec-ulative explanation of the uncanny valley. Finally, Mori usedhealthy humans (L4) as an example of full human-likeness.In these examples, Mori referred to both static and movinginstances of similar characters (e.g., still and animate corpses)to illustrate how movement would amplify the uncanny curve(Figure 1).

Table 1 also illustrates two extraneous factors that couldaffect affinity responses to the above anecdotal examples if theywere taken literally. First, stuffed animals and toy robots couldelicit positive reactions not only because they appear somewhathumanlike but because they have been purposefully designedto appear aesthetic. Similarly, human corpses, whether still oranimate, would certainly not evoke negative reactions onlybecause they appear humanlike but because they are morbidand horrifying. These considerations strongly suggest that Mori’soriginal examples should not be adopted literally in empiricalstudies. However, once this approach is rejected, the question stillremains which human-likeness manipulations should be used inempirical studies out of all imaginable possibilities. Although thisquestion does not yet have an agreed upon answer, there seems tobe a trend toward using image morphing and computer graphics(CG) techniques for manipulating facial stimuli in recent studies(cf. Table S1).

TABLE 1 | Focal points on the human-likeness dimension of the uncanny

valley graph.

HL Anecdotal Human-likeness Extraneous Affinity

examples factors

L1 Industrial robot Clearly artificial – Neutral

L2 Stuffed animal,

toy robot

Somewhat humanlike Aesthetics Positive

L3 Prosthetic hand Almost humanlike – Negative

Lm Corpse, zombie Almost humanlike Morbidity Negative

L4 Healthy human Fully humanlike – Very positive

Anecdotal examples refer to Mori (1970).

HL—degree of human-likeness.

What Is Affinity?Mori’s original Japanese terms bukimi and shinwakan (or shin-wakan) for the affinity dimension referred to several differentconcepts. The negative term bukimi translates quite unequivo-cally into eeriness (Ho and MacDorman, 2010), although othersimilar terms such as creepiness and strangeness have also beenused (cf. Ho et al., 2008). In contrast, the positive term shin-wakan is an unconventional Japanese word, which does not havea direct equivalent in English (Bartneck et al., 2007, 2009). Theearliest and the most common translation of this term has beenfamiliarity; however, it has been argued that likability wouldbe a more appropriate translation (ibid.). In the latest Englishtranslation of Mori’s original article, shinwakan was translatedas affinity (Mori, 1970/2012). Similarly, we have adopted affin-ity when referring to the bukimi–shinwakan dimension in thepresent article. Table 2 lists dictionary definitions (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary; http://www.merriam-webster.com;accessed 24.11.2014) for the most commonly used affinity terms.A closer inspection of these terms would suggest that all ofthem refer to various aspects of perceptual familiarity and emo-tional valence. Perceptual familiarity refers to recognizing thatthe perceived character has similar qualities as another object theobserver is already well acquainted with (possibly, the observerhimself or herself). Emotional valence covers various positive(liking, pleasantness, and attraction) and negative (aversive sen-sations) emotions elicited by the character. Although positiveand negative affinity could be considered separately (e.g., Ho andMacDorman, 2010), emotional valence is an established psycho-logical concept (e.g., Russell, 2003) that is able to incorporateboth of them.

Given that the original terms for the affinity dimension (orat least their common translations) are ambiguous, empiricalstudies would be necessary for resolving which self-report itemswould be ideal for measuring affinity. Previous studies have sug-gested that eeriness is associated with other negative emotionterms such as fear, disgust, and nervousness (Ho et al., 2008); orfear, unattractiveness, and disgust (Burleigh et al., 2013). To our

TABLE 2 | Dictionary definitions for the common English translations of

Mori’s affinity dimension.

English term Definitions

Eeriness [The quality of being] strange and mysterious

[...] so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up

the spine

Likability [...] easy to like

[...] pleasant or appealing

[…bringing] about a favorable regard

Familiarity The state of being [well acquainted] with something

[...] having knowledge about something

A state of close relationship [similar to intimacy]

Affinity A feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for

another person because of their similar qualities, ideas, or


A liking for or an attraction to something

The state of being similar or the same

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knowledge, only one previous study up to date has used factoranalytic methods to develop a conclusive self-report question-naire for uncanny valley studies (Ho and MacDorman, 2010).This study identified orthogonal factors for human-likeness, eeri-ness (two separate factors: eerie and spine-tingling), and attrac-tiveness. An informal evaluation would suggest some potentialproblems with this questionnaire, however. First, some of thequestionnaire items are not necessarily ideal for measuring theirintended constructs in all contexts. For example, the semanticdifferential items “ordinary—supernatural” and “without definitelifespan—mortal” could be inappropriate human-likeness mea-sures when none of the evaluated stimuli are supernatural. Sec-ond, although the identified eeriness factors are consistent withMori’s original terms, their constituent items (e.g., “numbing—freaky” and “unemotional—hair-rising”) do not resemble itemsin typical emotion self-report questionnaires (cf. self-report itemsin Bradley and Lang, 1994). Third, familiarity items were notconsidered in the study, although familiarity would seem to bean integral part of the uncanny valley. Although future empiri-cal studies might be useful for refining this scale, this work is animportant step toward developing a commonmetric for the affin-ity dimension. The scale has already been applied in at least twostudies (Mitchell et al., 2011; MacDorman et al., 2013).

A Framework of Uncanny ValleyHypotheses

Figure 2 illustrates the preceding analysis of the uncanny valleyphenomenon (Section An Interpretation of the Uncanny Val-ley) and the relations between the present hypotheses and theuncanny valley concepts.

Naïve HypothesesThe question of which specific human-likeness manipulationsshould be used in empirical uncanny valley studies could besidestepped by assuming that any kind of manipulation wouldlead to the characteristic uncanny curve for affinity (Figure 1).However, this hypothesis is simplistic because it assumes that allimaginable human-likeness manipulations are equally relevantfor the uncanny valley. Consequently, it could be referred to asa naïve uncanny valley hypothesis as opposed to more specifichypotheses (Section Refined Hypotheses). We have attempted toformulate this hypothesis so that it would be compatible withvarious human-likeness manipulations ranging from categori-cal manipulations with a minimal number of human-likenesslevels to fully continuous manipulations. Figure 3 illustratesthe original uncanny curve for the four most focal human-likeness levels (Table 1). These levels constitute the minimal setof human-likeness levels that could be used to capture the mostrelevant aspects of the original uncanny curve.

The core claim of the uncanny valley is that almost human-like characters will elicit more negative affinity than any othercharacters (Figure 3). As can be seen in the darkened region ofFigure 1, this characteristic U-shaped curve forms the uncannyvalley proper. Because almost humanlike characters would needto be compared to both more artificial and more humanlike char-acters, the bare minimum for testing this prediction would be

three human-likeness levels (cf. Figure 3). Although not equallycritical, the original uncanny valley hypothesis also predicts that,except for the uncanny valley proper, affinity will bemore positivefor increasingly humanlike characters. That is, affinity increaseswhen moving from clearly artificial to somewhat humanlikecharacters, and there would also be a relative increase betweensomewhat and fully humanlike characters (Figure 3). Given thatthis hypothesis omits almost humanlike characters, at least theremaining three levels in Figure 3 would need to be used totest this prediction. These predictions can be formulated as thefollowing hypotheses.

H1a (“naïve uncanny valley proper”): For any kind of human-

likeness manipulation, almost humanlike characters will elicit

more negative affinity (lower familiarity and/or more negative

emotional valence) than any other more artificial or more human-

like characters.

H1b (“naïve human-likeness”): For any kind of human-likeness

manipulation, more humanlike characters will elicit more posi-

tive affinity (higher familiarity and/or more positive emotional

valence), with the possible exception of characters fulfilling H1a.

Morbidity HypothesisAlthough purposefully morbid characters could be adopted fromthe original uncanny valley formulation (Mori, 1970) and usedin empirical uncanny valley studies, such characters would con-found the more interesting effects of varying human-likeness(Section What is Human-Likeness?). Although it is quite triv-ial that such characters should evoke negative affinity, we havenevertheless formulated the following hypothesis to help separatemorbidity effects from those of other hypotheses.

H1c (“morbidity”): Morbid characters (e.g., corpses or zombies) will

elicit more negative affinity (lower familiarity and/or more negative

emotional valence) than any other characters.

Movement HypothesesIn his original formulation, Mori (1970) also suggested thatmovement would amplify the uncanny curve. That is, the posi-tive and negative affinity experiences elicited by the still charac-ters should becomemore pronounced formoving characters. Therole of movement could, however, be more complex than origi-nally predicted. For example, although Mori considered move-ment as a dichotomous variable—it either is or is not present—movement features could also range in human-likeness and leadto an uncanny curve of their own. This leads to the followingreformulations of the naïve uncanny hypotheses (H1a and H1b).

H2a (“uncanny valley proper for movement”): For any kind of

human-likeness manipulation, “almost humanlike” movement

patterns will elicit more negative affinity (lower familiarity and/or

more negative emotional valence) than any other more artificial or

more humanlike movement patterns.

H2b (“human-likeness for movement”): For any kind of human-

likeness manipulation, more humanlike movement patterns will

elicit more positive affinity (higher familiarity and/or more positive

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Kätsyri et al. Uncanny review

FIGURE 2 | A concept map demonstrating relations between the

present uncanny valley hypotheses and different uncanny valley

concepts derived from Mori (1970). Dashed lines refer to constructs that

have been explicated after Mori’s original publication. Hypotheses:

H1a—naïve UV proper, H1b—naïve HL, H1c—morbidity, H2a—UV proper for

movement, H2b—HL for movement, H2c—movement modulation,

H3a—category identification, H3b—perceptual discrimination,

H3c—categorical identification difficulty, H3d—opposite perceptual

discrimination, H3e—perceptual discrimination difficulty, H4a—inconsistent

HL, H4b—atypicality; UV—uncanny valley, HL—human-likeness.

FIGURE 3 | Predicted affinity levels (from negative to positive) for still

and moving versions of characters representing different

human-likeness levels. The characteristic uncanny curve is overlain on the

data for illustration.

emotional valence), with the possible exception of movement pat-

terns fulfilling H2a

The original movement hypothesis can be stated as follows.

H2c (“movement modulation”): Movement will amplify the affin-

ity responses (changes in familiarity and/or emotional valence)

associated with hypotheses H1a and H1b.

Testing movement hypotheses H2a–c would require the samenumber of minimum human-likeness levels as the more generalhypotheses H1a and H1b (that is, three levels; the specific levelsdepending on the hypothesis).

Refined HypothesesCategorization AmbiguityEarly uncanny valley postulations have suggested that nega-tive affinity would be caused by the ambiguity in categorizinghighly realistic artificial characters as real humans or artificialentities (e.g., Ramey, 2005 [quoted in MacDorman and Ishig-uro, 2006]; Pollick, 2010). Notably, this suggestion itself doesnot yet consider whether the human-likeness dimension of theuncanny valley is perceived continuously or categorically—thatis, some intermediate characters could be difficult to categorizeregardless of whether increasing human-likeness were perceivedas a gradual continuum or discretely as artificial and humancategories.

Categorical perception, which is an empirically and theoret-ically established construct in psychology, has been applied tothe uncanny valley in recent empirical studies (Cheetham et al.,2011, 2014). Loosely speaking, categorical perception refers tothe phenomenon where the categories possessed by an observerinfluence his or her perceptions (Goldstone and Hendrickson,2010). Specifically, categorical perception is thought to occur

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Kätsyri et al. Uncanny review

when the perceptual discrimination is enhanced for pairs ofperceptually adjacent stimuli straddling a hypothetical categoryboundary between two categories, and decreased for equallyspaced pairs belonging to the same category (Repp, 1984; Har-nad, 1987; Goldstone and Hendrickson, 2010). Applied to theuncanny valley, categorical perception would mean that “[. . . ]irrespective of physical differences in humanlike appearance,objects along the DOH [degree of human-likeness] are treatedas conceptually equivalent members of either the category‘non-human’ or the category ‘human,’ except at those levels ofphysical realism at the boundary between these two categories.”(Cheetham et al., 2011, p. 2).

The two most commonly agreed upon criteria for experi-mental demonstrations of categorical perception are categoryidentification and perceptual discrimination (Repp, 1984; Har-nad, 1987). The identification criterion means that stimulusidentification in a labeling task should follow a steep slope suchthat labeling probabilities change abruptly at the hypotheticalcategory boundary. Given that the location of category boundarycannot be known in advance, the minimum number of requiredstimulus levels for testing this hypothesis cannot be determinedprecisely. In practice, previous uncanny valley studies haveemployed at least 11 evenly distributed human-likeness stepsalong the human-likeness continuum (e.g., Looser andWheatley,2010; Cheetham et al., 2011, 2014). Response times have beenused as an index of uncertainty in the identification task (e.g.,Pisoni and Tash, 1974; de Gelder et al., 1997). Assuming thatcategorization ambiguity should be the greatest at the categoryboundary, the slowest response times should also coincide withthis point. That is,

H3a (“category identification”): A steep category boundary will exist

on the human-likeness axis such that characters on the left and right

sides of this boundary are labeled consistently as “artificial” and

“human,” respectively; and/or this identification task will elicit the

slowest response times at the category boundary.

The discrimination criterion refers to the above requirement thatperceptual discrimination should be better for stimulus pairsstraddling the category boundary than for equally spaced stim-ulus pairs falling on the same side of the category boundary.As an example from previous work (Cheetham et al., 2011), thefour stimulus pairs artificial–artificial, artificial–human, human–artificial, and human–human could be derived from identifica-tion results and employed in the perceptual discrimination task.All possible stimulus pairs that are differentiated by an equalnumber of steps on the human-likeness continuum could also beused (e.g., Cheetham et al., 2014). As a summary, to demonstratecategorical perception for the human-likeness dimension of theuncanny valley, the following hypothesis should be confirmed inaddition H3a.

H3b (“perceptual discrimination”): Character pairs that straddle

the category boundary between “artificial” and “human” categories

will be easier to discriminate perceptually than equally different

character pairs located on the same side of the boundary.

After demonstrating that the human-likeness dimension isperceived categorically, it would still need to be shown thatcategory identification difficulty (i.e., H3a) is also associated withsubjective experiences of negative affinity. The most straightfor-ward assumption would be that identification uncertainty at thecategory boundary (“categorization ambiguity”) leads to negativeaffinity. Strictly speaking, this hypothesis is not fully consistentwith categorical perception as it is commonly understood, giventhat the hypothesis refers only to the category identification crite-rion (cf. H3a), whereas perceptual discrimination criterion (H3b)has been considered as the hallmark of categorical perception(e.g., Harnad, 1987). Hence, categorization ambiguity could leadto negative affinity even in the absence of categorical percep-tion (i.e., when only H3a but not H3b holds true). However, wehave included this hypothesis, as it is consistent with the earlyuncanny valley literature (Ramey, 2005 [quoted in MacDormanand Ishiguro, 2006]; Pollick, 2010). Hence, we have formulatedthis hypothesis as follows.

H3c (“categorical identification difficulty”): Characters that are

located at the category boundary between “artificial” and “human”

categories (as identified in H3a-b) will elicit more negative affinity

(lower familiarity and/or more negative emotional valence) than

any other characters that are located on the left or right sides of the

category boundary.

As suggested recently by Cheetham et al. (2014), the originaluncanny valley hypothesis is based on the implicit assumptionthat perceptual discrimination is the most difficult for charactersin the uncanny valley. However, assuming that the uncanny val-ley proper is thought of as coinciding with the category boundaryand that this boundary is considered in terms of the categoricalperception framework, it follows (as in Cheetham et al., 2014)that perceptual discrimination performance should actually beeasier for characters at or in the close vicinity of the categoryboundary and not more difficult. As can be seen, this is the posi-tion taken in hypothesis H3b, and the perceptual discriminationdifficulty assumption would be its opposite. Assuming that per-ceptual discrimination would be more difficult for characters inthe uncanny valley, this difficulty should also be associated withnegative affinity. These hypotheses can be stated as follows.

H3d (“opposite perceptual discrimination”): Character pairs that

straddle the category boundary between “artificial” and “human”

categories will be more difficult to discriminate perceptually than

equally different character pairs located on the same side of the


H3e (“perceptual discrimination difficulty”): Increased perceptual

discrimination difficulty for adjacent character pairs will be asso-

ciated with heightened negative affinity (lower familiarity and/or

more negative emotional valence).

Perceptual MismatchHypotheses H3a-e are attractive because they are related to thewell-established framework of categorical perception. However,there are several reasons for considering also other alterna-tives to these categorization ambiguity and categorical perception

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Kätsyri et al. Uncanny review

based explanations. First, there is no a priori reason for expect-ing that the human-likeness dimension should be perceivedcategorically rather than continuously. For example, Campbellet al. (1997) has demonstrated that whereas morphed continuabetween human and cow faces are perceived categorically, similarcontinua between humans and monkeys are continuous. Simi-larly as humans and other primates, humans and anthropomor-phic characters share many fundamental similarities that couldplace them in the same overarching category of humanlike enti-ties (cf. Campbell et al., 1997; Cheetham et al., 2011). Second,negative affinity could of course be caused by some other mech-anisms in addition to (or instead of) categorization ambiguity orcategorical perception. For example, it is conceivable that somecharacters on the “human” side of the category boundary wouldbe considered eerie because they appeared human but containedfeatures that are not “entirely right.” In this hypothetical but con-ceivable example, a negative affinity peak would be located on theright side of the category boundary.

The perceptual mismatch hypothesis, which is theoreticallyindependent from the categorization ambiguity and categoricalperception hypotheses, has been presented recently as anotherexplanation for the uncanny valley (e.g., MacDorman et al., 2009;Pollick, 2010). This hypothesis suggests that negative affinitywould be caused by an inconsistency between the human-likenesslevels of specific sensory cues. Clearly artificial eyes on an other-wise fully human-like face—or vice versa—is an example of suchinconsistency. A particularly interesting proposal is that negativeaffinity would be caused by inconsistent static and dynamic infor-mation (Brenton et al., 2005; Pollick, 2010). The bare minimumfor testing this hypothesis would be four experimental manipula-tion levels (i.e., two realism levels × two different features). Wehave formulated this hypothesis in more general terms below.

H4a (“inconsistent human-likeness”): Characters with inconsistent

artificial and humanlike features will elicit more negative affinity

(lower familiarity and/or more negative emotional valence) than

characters with consistently artificial or characters with consistently

humanlike features.

Another form of perceptual mismatch could be higher sensitiv-ity to deviations from typical human norms for more humanlikecharacters (e.g., Brenton et al., 2005; MacDorman et al., 2009).Deviations from human norms could result, for example, fromsuch atypical features as grossly enlarged eyes. In the uncannyvalley context, a plausible explanation for this phenomenon couldbe that the human visual system has acquiredmore expertise withthe featural restrictions of other humans than with the featu-ral restrictions of artificial characters (cf. Seyama and Nagayama,2007). This hypothesis is also consistent with previous studiesdemonstrating that faces with typical or average features are con-sidered more attractive than atypical faces (e.g., Langlois andRoggman, 1990; Rhodes et al., 2001). The atypicality hypothe-sis is similar to the above inconsistency hypothesis, given thatatypical features could also be considered artificial. In fact, thesetwo hypotheses have previously been considered as the samehypothesis (e.g., MacDorman et al., 2009). However, the atyp-icality hypothesis could refer to any deviant features besides

artificiality (e.g., any distorted human features) and, unlike theinconsistency hypothesis, it makes a unilateral prediction relatedto only humanlike characters. Testing atypicality would requireat least four experimental manipulation levels (artificial withoutatypical features, artificial with atypical features, human withoutatypical features, human with atypical features), and it could beformulated as follows.

H4b (“atypicality”): Humanlike characters with atypical features

will elicit more negative affinity (lower familiarity and/or more neg-

ative valence) than artificial characters with atypical features, or

either humanlike or artificial characters without atypical features.

Relation to the Original Uncanny Valley HypothesisThe above hypotheses can be seen as refinements of the origi-nal uncanny valley hypothesis such that each of them narrowsthe human-likeness conditions under which the uncanny valley isexpected to occur. These hypotheses pertain only to the uncannyvalley proper (i.e., the “almost humanlike” level), and they can-not account for the first peak in the uncanny curve (cf. H1b andFigure 3). Otherwise, all of these hypotheses would appear to beconsistent with the original uncanny valley hypothesis. For exam-ple, all of them seem to be consistent with the following quote:“One might say that the prosthetic hand has achieved a degree ofresemblance to the human form [. . . ]. However, once we realizethat the hand that looked real at first sight is actually artificial,we experience an eerie sensation.” (Mori, 1970, p. 99; see alsoMacDorman et al., 2009, p. 698). Here, the prosthetic hand couldhave appeared eerie because it caused an artificial–human cate-gory conflict (H3), it was perceived as containing mismatchingartificial and human features (H4a), or because the hand resem-bled a real hand without fulfilling all of the typical characteristicsof human hands (H4b).

Article Selection and Evaluation

Evaluation CriteriaTable 3 displays the criteria that were used for selecting indi-vidual studies and for evaluating their results. These criteria arebased on the general validity typology of Shadish et al. (2002),which describes four different types of validity and their asso-ciated threats. Our goal was to identify justifiable and plausiblethreats for conclusions that can be drawn from the reviewedstudies to hypotheses H1–H4. Hence, we have not attemptedto develop a comprehensive list of all possible threats to theexperimental validity of individual studies.

Statistical Conclusion ValidityStatistical conclusion validity refers to the validity of inferringthat the experimental manipulations and measured outcomescovaried with each other. At the bare minimum, any kind of sta-tistical test should be used to provide evidence against chanceresults. The predicted U-shaped relationship between human-likeness and affinity (Figure 1) could be tested, for example, byusing second-order correlation tests or analysis of variance fol-lowed by post-hoc comparisons. Linear correlation test would,however, not be sufficient for testing the predicted nonlinear

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TABLE 3 | Evaluation criteria for possible threats that limit the conclusions

that could be drawn from individual studies to the present hypotheses.

Threat Validity type

No or inadequate statistical testsa Statistical conclusion

Heterogeneous stimuli Statistical conclusion

No manipulation check for human-likenessa Internal

Image morphing artifacts Internal

Categorical perception not testedb Construct

Irrelevant affinity measuresa Construct

Familiarity evaluations misunderstood Construct

Outlier stimuli (e.g., morbid characters) Construct

Alternative explanations Construct

Narrow human-likeness range Construct

Narrow set of manipulated stimuli Construct

Narrow participant sample External

Validity types refer to Shadish et al. (2002).aUsed as article inclusion criteria.bApplies only to the hypotheses H3c and H3e.

relationship. Statistical conclusion validity could also be compro-mised by uncontrolled variation in the stimuli. This issue couldbe a particular concern for realistic stimuli (e.g., video gamecharacters), whose features cannot be fully controlled. Extrane-ous variation could possibly be reduced by careful pretesting ofstimuli and the inclusion of a large number of stimuli for eachstimulus category.

Internal ValidityInternal validity refers to whether the observed outcomes werecaused solely by experimental manipulations or whether theywould have occurred even without them. Failure to check orconfirm that human-likeness manipulations elicited consistentchanges in perceived human-likeness would raise doubts overwhether human-likeness was actually varied as intended, andwould hence threaten internal validity.

Artifacts produced by human-likeness manipulations couldalso be considered as threats to internal validity (strictly speak-ing, these and any other confounds would be threats to constructvalidity in the original typology; cf. Shadish et al., 2002, p. 95).We will consider image morphing artifacts in detail because thismethod has become popular in uncanny valley studies (cf. TableS1). Image morphing procedure is used to construct a sequenceof gradual changes between two images (e.g., CG and humanfaces), and it consists of three phases: geometric correspondenceis established between the images, a warping algorithm is appliedto match the shapes of the original objects, and color values areinterpolated between the original and warped images (e.g., Wol-berg, 1998). Image morphing algorithms are prone to at leasttwo kinds of artifacts (e.g., Wu and Liu, 2013). First, ghostingor double-exposure between images can occur if they containdifferent features, geometric correspondence has not been estab-lished adequately, or warping has not been applied. Second, colorinterpolation typically causes some blurring because it combinesvalues from several pixels in the original images. Imagemorphing

artifacts are a threat to validity because they are likely to coin-cide with intermediate levels of human-likeness (i.e., the mostprocessed images). Cheetham and Jäncke (2013) have publisheda detailed guideline for applying morphing to facial images inuncanny valley studies. We have adopted the following crite-ria from their guideline: (i) several morphed continua should beused, (ii) selected endpoint images should be similar to each other(i.e., the faces should have similar geometries, have neutral facialexpressions, and represent individuals of similar ages), (iii) align-ment disparities should be avoided, and (iv) any external featuresshould be masked (i.e., hair and ears, jewelry, and other externalfeatures).

Construct ValidityConstruct validity refers to the extent to which the experimen-tal manipulations and measured outcomes reflect their intendedcause and effect constructs. For example, if the categoriza-tion ambiguity hypothesis (H3c or H3e) were demonstrated forspecific stimuli without also demonstrating that these stimuliindeed were perceived categorically (H3a–b), it could be uncer-tain whether categorical perception was in fact involved. Forthe present purposes, we have required that the outcome mea-sures should tap into the perceptual familiarity and/or emo-tional valence constructs (Section What is Affinity?). A specificthreat related to self-reported familiarity is that it could be con-founded with previous experience (e.g., a video game charac-ter could be familiar because of its popularity). The inclusionof outlier stimuli that represent other constructs besides vary-ing human-likeness, for example morbidity (Section What isHuman-Likeness?), would also threaten construct validity. In thepresent context, the hypothesis H1c was intended to set such con-structs apart from human-likeness. It is also possible that affinitychanges could in some cases be explained by other alternativeconstructs or phenomena (e.g., poor lip synchronization). A nar-row range of manipulated human-likeness (e.g., only CG charac-ters) could threaten construct validity because the results wouldnot necessarily generalize to the full range of human-likeness.Application of human-likeness manipulations to only a singlestimulus character could also threaten construct validity, if itwere plausible that the manipulation results would contain otherirrelevant features in addition to or instead of human-likeness.

External ValidityExternal validity refers to what extent the observed causal rela-tionship between manipulated and observed variables can begeneralized to other participants, experimental manipulations,and measured outcomes. Generalizability could be considered bycomparing results from different studies. In practice, this wouldbe difficult because of the heterogeneity of uncanny valley studies(cf. Table S1). For the present purposes, we have considered exter-nal validity only to exclude results from individual studies withclearly unrepresentative participant samples (e.g., only children).

Article SelectionWe identified empirical uncanny valley studies by searching forthe key term “uncanny valley” in the following search engines:Scopus (search in article title, abstract, and keywords; including

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secondary documents; N = 273), PubMed (search in all fields;N = 23), Science Direct (search in all fields; N = 134), and Webof Science (search in topic; N = 114). The obtained list of arti-cles was augmented by other articles cited in them and by articlesidentified from other sources (N = 6). This initial list (N = 550)was screened by the first author. Duplicate entries and other thanfull-length articles published in peer-reviewed journals or confer-ence proceedings were removed semi-automatically, and a cur-sory selection was done to exclude studies that had clearly nottested or considered the present hypotheses.

The screened list (N = 125) was evaluated by all authors foreligibility. The following inclusion criteria were used (cf.Table 3):(i) the study had addressed, implicitly or explicitly, at least oneof the hypotheses H1–H4; (ii) the study had used at least theminimum number of human-likeness levels for each hypothe-sis (cf. Section A Framework of Uncanny Valley Hypotheses);(iii) human-likeness of stimuli had been tested explicitly andconfirmed; (iv) unless irrelevant for the tested hypothesis (i.e.,H3a, H3b, and H3d), the study had used any of the conventionalself-report items (likability, eeriness, familiarity, or affinity) ortheir equivalents for measuring affinity responses; and (v) jus-tified statistical test had been used for testing the relationshipbetween human-likeness and affinity. Two studies that had nottested human-likeness explicitly (Seyama and Nagayama, 2007;Mäkäräinen et al., 2014) were nevertheless included because theirhuman-likeness manipulations (image morphing from artificialto human faces and increasingly more abstract image manipu-lations, respectively) should have been expected to elicit trivialchanges in perceived human-likeness. The final list of selectedarticles (N = 17) is given in Table S1.

Article and Hypothesis EvaluationThe validity of conclusions from individual studies to hypothesesH1–H4 was evaluated using those evaluation criteria in Table 3

that had not already been adopted as inclusion criteria. All threatsthat were considered possible are listed in Table S1; however, onlythose threats that were considered both plausible and relevant fora specific hypothesis were used for excluding individual results.To allow critical evaluation and possible reanalysis of the presentfindings, we have attempted to highlight potential controversiesrelated to the inclusion and evaluation of studies when reviewingthe evidence for each hypothesis.

Because the selected articles had used heterogeneous method-ologies and most of them had not reported effect size statistics,a quantitative meta-analysis would not have been appropriate.Instead, we opted to present the numbers of findings provid-ing significant and non-significant evidence for each hypothesis.Because significant findings opposite to hypotheses were rare,they were pooled with the non-significant findings. Significantopposite findings have been mentioned separately in the text.Although this kind of “box score” approach is inferior to quan-titative meta-analytic methods (Green and Hall, 1984), it cannevertheless be used to provide an overall quantification of resultpatterns in the reviewed literature. Following a previous recom-mendation (Green and Hall, 1984), we adopted a 30% thresholdfor deciding how many positive findings would be considered

significant evidence in favor of a specific hypothesis. All of thereported findings were clearly above this threshold.

Review of Empirical Evidence

Naïve and Morbidity HypothesesEmpirical evidence for naïve, morbidity, and movementhypotheses is presented in Table 4. Whereas the results clearlyconfirmed that affinity increased linearly across increasinghuman-likeness (H1b; 7 out of 9 studies), the predicted uncannyvalley proper (H1a) received almost no support (1 out of 8studies). As an exception, one study showed that pictures ofintermediate prosthetic hands were more eerie than picturesof either mechanical or human hands (Poliakoff et al., 2013).Two other studies provided results that resembled the uncannycurve (McDonnell et al., 2012; Piwek et al., 2014); however,closer inspection suggested that these results could have beenexplained by outlier stimuli—that is, in terms of the hypothesisH1c. Another one of these studies (McDonnell et al., 2012) couldhave provided evidence for H1a even after the outlier stimulus(purposefully ill character) was excluded. However, we consid-ered this evidence inconsistent because both unrealistic (“Toon-Bare” rendering) and realistic (“HumanBasic” rendering) stimuliwere found to be less appealing, friendly, and trustworthy thanthe remaining stimuli.

One of the studies in Table 4 (Yamada et al., 2013) wasexcluded from the total count because of plausible morphing arti-facts. This study found a U-shaped curve for self-reported pleas-antness vs. morphed human-likeness, which could have been

TABLE 4 | Empirical evidence for hypotheses H1 (naïve hypotheses and

morbidity) and H2 (movement).

Author/year H1a H1b H1c H2a H2b H2c

Seyama and Nagayama,


− −

MacDorman et al., 2009 − +

Looser and Wheatley, 2010 − +

Thompson et al., 2011 − +

McDonnell et al., 2012 (+) + + (+)

Yamada et al., 2013 (+) (−)

Burleigh et al., 2013 − +

Carter et al., 2013 − +

Poliakoff et al., 2013 + (+)

Cheetham et al., 2014 − +

Piwek et al., 2014 (+) − + − + (−)

Rosenthal–von der Pütten

and Krämer, 2014

− +

Total 8 9 2 2 2 0

+ 1 7 2 0 2 0

− 7 2 0 2 0 0

Conclusions: “+”: significant in favor of the hypothesis, and “−”: non-significant or sig-

nificant against the hypothesis. Conclusions in parentheses have been omitted from total

scores because of plausible threats to validity. Hypotheses: H1a—naïve UV proper, H1b—

naïve HL, H1c—morbidity, H2a—UV proper for movement, H2b—HL for movement,

H2c—movement modulation. UV—uncanny valley, HL—human-likeness.

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taken as support for H1a. However, in this study, only one pairof images had been selected for creating the human-likenesscontinuum, the selected cartoon and human face were very dis-similar from each other, and no masking had been used (cf. Sec-tion Article Selection; and Cheetham and Jäncke, 2013). Hence,it is possible that the lower pleasantness ratings for intermediatemorphs could have resulted from morphing artifacts rather thanintermediate human-likeness level. Consistently with this inter-pretation, other morphing studies (Looser and Wheatley, 2010;Cheetham et al., 2014) with masked faces and multiple matchedface pairs have failed to find a similar U-shaped curve for partic-ipants’ evaluations. Another morphing study in Table 4 (Seyamaand Nagayama, 2007) had also used unmasked and quite dissim-ilar face pairs; however, it is unlikely that the lack of significantfindings in this study could have been explained by morphingartifacts.

Several other potentially interesting studies were excludedduring the initial selection and were hence not included inTable 4 or Table S1. For example, seminal uncanny valley studies(Hanson, 2006; MacDorman, 2006; MacDorman and Ishiguro,2006) were excluded because these studies did not report sta-tistical test results for their findings. Because these studies alsoseemed to be influenced by morphing artifacts or the use of het-erogeneous stimuli, their results for hypotheses H1a–b wouldnevertheless have been excluded as per our evaluation criteria.Results from several studies using realistic video game (or sim-ilar) characters have also been excluded either because they hadnot used statistical tests or because they had tested only linearcorrelations statistically. Most of the excluded studies had alsodeliberately included outlier characters (e.g., zombies) in theirexperimental stimuli (e.g., Schneider et al., 2007; Tinwell et al.,2010) and some of their results could have been explained byalternative explanations (e.g., audiovisual asynchrony; Tinwellet al., 2010, in press). We were able to identify only one publishedstudy without such outlier characters (Flach et al., 2012) thatcould be taken as tentative evidence for H1a. This study demon-strated an uncanny curve for experienced discomfort (measuredas a dichotomous variable) across video game and film charac-ters that represented different human-likeness levels. We con-sidered this evidence tentative because no statistical tests hadbeen used; furthermore, the human-likeness range was somewhatconstrained by the use of only CG characters.

Movement HypothesesWewere able to identify only two studies (Thompson et al., 2011;Piwek et al., 2014) that could be taken as evidence for the inde-pendent movement hypotheses H2a and H2b (Table 4). Resultsfrom these two studies were, however, consistent with those ofthe more general hypotheses H1a–b. That is, more humanlikemovement was found to elicit higher affinity (H2b) in both stud-ies, whereas a nonlinear uncanny valley curve (H2a) was notobserved in either one of them. No studies addressing the mod-ulatory effect of movement (H2c) survived the initial selectionand further evaluation. Two studies demonstrated modulatorymovement effects; however, these effects were specific to plausi-ble outlier characters (ill-looking face in McDonnell et al., 2012;and zombie character in Piwek et al., 2014). Furthermore, these

studies provided conflicting evidence: the former reported a sig-nificant increase and the latter a significant decrease in negativeaffinity for the moving characters.

Categorization Ambiguity HypothesesEmpirical evidence for categorization ambiguity (H3) and per-ceptual mismatch (H4) hypotheses is presented in Table 5. Fourstudies demonstrated that a category boundary existed for theidentification of morphed facial image continua (H3a) and threeof these studies additionally demonstrated that discriminationperformance reached its peak when the images straddled thiscategory boundary (H3b). The opposite prediction that discrim-ination performance would be the poorest in the vicinity of cat-egory boundary (H3d) was not supported by any study. Theseresults hence provided reasonable evidence for the categoricalperception of morphed human-likeness continua. In contrast,we managed to identify only two studies that tested affinityresponses elicited by categorization ambiguity (H3c); neither ofwhich could be taken as evidence in favor of this hypothesis.Opposite to hypothesis H3e, one study (Cheetham et al., 2014)demonstrated that increased perceptual discrimination difficultyis associated with positive rather than negative affinity.

Two other studies demonstrating favorable evidence for H3cwere excluded from the total count because of plausible threatsto validity. One image morphing study (Yamada et al., 2013)demonstrated that the slowest identification task response timesand the most negative likability evaluations coincided with eachother; however, these results were excluded because the likabilityevaluations could plausibly have been influenced by morphing

TABLE 5 | Empirical evidence for hypotheses H3 (categorization

ambiguity) and H4 (perceptual mismatch).

Author/year H3a H3b H3c H3d H3e H4a H4b

Seyama and Nagayama,


+ +

MacDorman et al., 2009 + +

Looser and Wheatley, 2010 + + − −

Cheetham et al., 2011 + + −

Mitchell et al., 2011 +

Gray and Wegner, 2012 +

Yamada et al., 2013 (+) (+)

Burleigh et al., 2013 (+) −

Cheetham et al., 2013 +

Cheetham et al., 2014 + + − − −

Mäkäräinen et al., 2014 +

Total 4 3 2 3 1 4 4

+ 4 3 0 0 0 4 3

− 0 0 2 3 1 0 1

Conclusions: “+”: significant in favor of the hypothesis, and “−”: non-significant or sig-

nificant against the hypothesis. Conclusions in parentheses have been omitted from total

scores because of plausible threats to validity. Hypotheses: H3a—category identification,

H3b—perceptual discrimination, H3c—categorical identification difficulty, H3d—opposite

perceptual discrimination, H3e—perceptual discrimination difficulty, H4a—inconsistent

human-likeness, H4b—atypicality.

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artifacts (cf. Section Naïve and Morbidity Hypotheses). Consis-tently, two participants in this study had reported spontaneouslyafter the experiment that “they [had] evaluated the likability ofthe images based on the presence or absence of morphing noise”(ibid., 4). A more systematic evaluation would be necessary fordeciding this issue, however. Another study (Study II in Burleighet al., 2013) demonstrated that intermediate CG modificationsbetween a goat-like and a fully humanlike face elicited the mosteerie and unpleasant evaluations. This result was, however, nottaken as evidence for the artificial–human categorization ambi-guity (H3c) because the presence of categorization boundary wasnot tested explicitly. The reported positive uncanny valley findingis nevertheless important in the present context, because it couldbe interpreted as evidence that some human-likeness manipu-lations can lead to the uncanny valley. This finding was notincluded as additional evidence for the hypothesis H1a, however,because several other human-likenessmanipulations in this study(Burleigh et al., 2013) did not lead to similar findings.

Perceptual Mismatch HypothesesAs illustrated in Table 5, the results provided good support forthe perceptual mismatch hypotheses related to both inconsis-tent realism levels (H4a; 4 out of 4 studies) and sensitivity toatypical features (H4b; 3 out of 4 studies). Two studies (Seyamaand Nagayama, 2007; MacDorman et al., 2009) using continuoushuman-likenessmanipulations demonstrated that themost nega-tive affinity evaluations were elicited when the mismatch betweenthe realism of eyes and faces was the greatest (H4a) and whenartificially enlarged eyes were paired with the most realistic (fullyhuman) faces (H4b). Two other studies provided further supportfor H4a. One study (Mitchell et al., 2011), which had used a fac-torial design between the realism of a face (robot or human) andvoice (synthetic or human), demonstrated that mismatched face–voice pairs elicited higher eeriness than similar matched pairs.This result was included as support for H4a, although it shouldbe noticed that these results are somewhat limited because onlyone pair of stimuli were used in the study. Another study (Grayand Wegner, 2012) with conceptual stimuli demonstrated thatmachines with characteristically human experiences (i.e., capabil-ity to feel) and humans without such experiences were consideredunnerving.

Consistently with H4b, one additional study (Mäkäräinenet al., 2014) in Table 5 demonstrated that unnaturally exagger-ated facial expressions were rated as more strange on increasinglyhumanlike faces. Contrary to H4b, one other study (Burleighet al., 2013) failed to demonstrate higher eeriness or unpleasant-ness for increasingly realistic faces. Although this non-significantfinding was included in the total count, it is possible that thisresult could have been specific to the atypical feature (rolled-back eye) used in the study. Unlike enlarged eyes (e.g., Seyamaand Nagayama, 2007), for example, such features could appeardisturbing both on human and artificial faces.

Some studies that were excluded during the initial selectionbecause they were not fully consistent with the specific formula-tion of the atypicality hypothesis (H4b) could nevertheless pro-vide further evidence for it. One previous study (Green et al.,2008) demonstrated that individuals show greater agreement

when judging the “best looking” facial proportions of humanrather than artificial faces. Similar greater agreement for morerealistic CG textures was demonstrated also in the second studyof MacDorman et al. (2009). Furthermore, the third study in thesame article showed that extreme facial proportions were con-sidered the most eerie at close to humanlike levels. These resultsstrengthen the view that individuals are more sensitive and lesstolerant to deviations from typical norms when judging humanfaces.


This review considered evidence for the uncanny valley hypoth-esis (Mori, 1970) based on a framework of specific hypothesesmotivated by previous literature. The results showed that whereasall human-likeness manipulations do not automatically lead tothe uncanny valley, positive uncanny valley findings have beenreported in studies using perceptually mismatching stimuli. Inparticular, positive uncanny valley findings have been reportedfor stimuli in which the realism levels of artificial and humanlikefeatures are inconsistent with each other (e.g., human eyes on anartificial face) or in which atypical features (e.g., grossly enlargedeyes) are present on humanlike faces.

Evidence for Different Kinds of Uncanny ValleysGiven that the original uncanny valley formulation did not pro-vide specific guidelines for operationalizing human-likeness, wefirst considered the straightforward prediction that any kind ofsuccessful human-likeness manipulation would lead to the char-acteristic U-shaped affinity curve at almost humanlike levels. Thereviewed studies, which had used various human-likenessmanip-ulations, provided very little support for this hypothesis. Nonlin-ear uncanny valley effects were found only in two studies that hadstudied images of hands (Poliakoff et al., 2013 and a continuousCG modification between nonhuman and human faces (Study IIin Burleigh et al., 2013). Whether these results could be explainedby chance, some characteristics specific to these stimuli or bythe other reviewed hypotheses (e.g., categorization ambiguity orperceptual mismatch) remains an open question. The absence ofevidence for the naïve uncanny valley hypothesis suggests thatall kinds of human-likeness manipulations do not automaticallylead to the uncanny valley. This would also suggest that individ-ual studies using only one type of human-likeness manipulationshould not be taken as conclusive evidence for the existence ornonexistence of the uncanny valley.

The original uncanny valley formulation also led to the sec-ondary prediction that any kind of human-likeness manipula-tions would elicit linear increases in experienced affinity. Thisprediction was supported by the bulk of studies. This suggeststhat as a general rule, increasing human-likeness is associatedwith more positive experiences. Exceptions to this general rulecould be possible, however, given that different kinds of human-likeness manipulations were not considered systematically in thepresent review.

We have suggested that Mori used corpses and zombies onlyas metaphorical examples when discussing threat avoidance asa possible explanation for the uncanny valley. Because these

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examples could nevertheless be taken literally, we also consid-ered the hypothesis that such morbid characters would elicitnegative affinity. Not surprisingly, this hypothesis received sup-port. The inclusion of this hypothesis was successful because ithelped us avoid drawing false conclusions for the other hypothe-ses. We conclude that empirical studies should not use purpose-fully morbid characters to test the existence of the uncanny valley(such stimuli could, of course, be included for other purposes).Although another possible confound, purposeful aesthetic, couldalso have originated from a literal interpretation of the originalexamples, this issue did not seem to affect any of the reviewedstudies.

The original uncanny valley formulation proposed that move-ment would amplify the characteristic uncanny curve. Thereviewed studies did not support this prediction. In contrast,the reviewed studies again demonstrated a linear relationshipbetween affinity and the human-likeness of movement patterns.Furthermore, no nonlinear uncanny valley effects were observed.This suggests that movement information imposes similar lineareffects on affinity as any other variation in human-likeness. How-ever, it should be noticed that refined uncanny valley hypotheses(see below) have up to date been studied using only static stimuli,and that movement could possibly amplify their effects.

An alternative claim to the prediction that any kind of human-likeness manipulation leads to the uncanny valley would bethat the uncanny valley phenomenon is manifested only underspecific conditions. For evaluating this possibility, we consid-ered empirical evidence for two refined uncanny valley propos-als as they have been presented in existing literature. First, weconsidered the claim that the uncanny valley would be causedby an artificial–human categorization ambiguity. Although thereviewed studies demonstrated that morphed artificial–humanface continua are perceived categorically, we were able to iden-tify only tentative evidence for negative affinity in the vicinityof category boundary. Taken together, these results suggest thatthe uncanny valley phenomenon could not be explained solely interms of categorical perception. However, given the small num-ber of reviewed studies, more conclusive results could yet beobtained in future studies. The uncanny valley hypothesis couldalso be interpreted such that it predicts greater perceptual dis-crimination difficulty and more negative affect in the vicinity ofcategory boundary (cf. Cheetham et al., 2014). Neither of thesehypotheses was supported by the reviewed evidence.

Second, we considered two different perceptual mismatchhypotheses for the uncanny valley. The first hypothesis pre-dicted that the negative affinity associated with the uncanny val-ley would be caused by inconsistent realism levels (e.g., artificialeyes on a humanlike face or vice versa). The second hypothesispredicted that such negative affinity would be elicited by height-ened sensitivity to atypical features (e.g., grossly enlarged eyes) onhumanlike characters. Both of these hypotheses received supportfrom the reviewed studies. This finding is important because itconfirms the existence of the uncanny valley at least under somespecific conditions. Although previous reviews have presentedcategorization difficulty and perceptual mismatch hypothesesseparately (e.g., Pollick, 2010), we are not aware that a furtherdistinction would have been made between different perceptual

mismatch hypotheses. Notably, the reviewed inconsistency andatypicality hypotheses lead to slightly different symmetric andasymmetric predictions. That is, the inconsistency hypothesiswould predict that both artificial features on humanlike char-acters and humanlike features on artificial characters will elicitnegative affinity, whereas the atypicality hypothesis would predictatypicality effects only for humanlike stimuli. Because both pre-dictions received support, this suggests that inconsistent realismlevels and atypical features could represent different conditionsleading to the uncanny valley.

Open Research QuestionsThe present review raises several open questions for the uncannyvalley research. One of these is the relation between the percep-tual mismatch and categorization ambiguity hypotheses, whichare not necessarily independent from each other. For example,it is possible that realism level inconsistency and feature atyp-icality effects could be reduced to categorical perception. Thisidea could possibly be tested by varying the level of inconsistencybetween features (e.g., by morphing eyes and faces separately asin Seyama and Nagayama, 2007) or by varying the level of featureatypicality (e.g., by varying the eye size of artificial and humanfaces), and testing whether such continua would fulfill the cate-gory identification and perceptual discrimination criteria for cat-egorical perception (Repp, 1984; Harnad, 1987). If these criteriawere fulfilled, the results would link these effects to the broaderframework of categorical perception.

Another open question relates to whether any kind of per-ceptual mismatch would lead to the uncanny valley or whetherthis effect would apply the best or even exclusively to specificfeatures. For example, it might not be a coincidence that two ofthe reviewed studies demonstrated a perceptual mismatch effectfor inconsistent realism levels specifically between the eyes andfaces and specifically for enlarged eyes presented on human faces(Seyama and Nagayama, 2007; MacDorman et al., 2009). One ofthe earliest reviews on the uncanny valley suggested that the eyeswould have a special role in producing the uncanny valley (Bren-ton et al., 2005). Consistently, one image morphing study hasdemonstrated that human-likeness manipulations of eyes explainmost (albeit not all) of the perceived animacy of faces (Looser andWheatley, 2010). Similarly, one eye tracking study has demon-strated that eyes receive longer gaze dwell time on categoricallyambiguous than on categorically unambiguous artificial faces(Cheetham et al., 2013). To our knowledge, the previous sugges-tion that negative affinity would be caused by inconsistent staticand dynamic information (Brenton et al., 2005; Pollick, 2010)also remains unexplored.

The lack of universally agreed upon operational definition forthe affinity dimension is a critical issue for uncanny valley studies.The self-report items eeriness, likability, familiarity, and affinitycould be derived fromMori’s (1970) original formulation. Unfor-tunately, an inspection of the reviewed articles (Table S1) revealsthat none of these single terms alone have been adopted in morethan half of the reviewed articles, even after similar terms wouldbe considered as their synonyms (e.g., creepy and strange foreerie; pleasant or appealing for likable; and strange–familiar forfamiliar). Furthermore, although these items are consistent with

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the original formulation, they are not necessarily theoreticallyjustified. One starting point for operationalizing affinity couldbe the questionnaire developed by Ho and MacDorman (2010).In the present investigation, we have defined affinity in termsof perceptual familiarity and emotional valence. However, theseconstructs are clearly separate from each other, and their relationin the uncanny valley context would merit further investigation.

Future studies could also consider the possible influences ofimage morphing artifacts on uncanny valley findings, for exam-ple by conducting independent image quality evaluations formorphed stimuli. Although the risk of image morphing artifactscan be diminished considerably by following the guidelines ofCheetham and Jäncke (2013), it is nevertheless possible that allconfounding factors would not be avoided. Specifically, someghosting for subtle facial features that are present in only oneof the original images and slight blurring of contours generatedby color interpolation could be unavoidable. By the nature ofimage morphing procedure, middle images in the series of mor-phed images are the most processed (in a technical sense) andhence they differ the most from natural images that constitute theendpoints of the series. Assuming that morphing artifacts were arealistic concern, the level of visual distortions produced by mor-phing would hence increase toward the middle of the generatedhuman-likeness continua. The effects of such visual distortionswould likely depend on the adopted research question and exper-imental design, however. Visual distortions, which would likelyelicit negative evaluations, could lead to false negative affinityfindings at the middle of the scale. On the other hand, it seemsunlikely that visual distortions would explain the enhanced dis-crimination of stimuli straddling the scale middle (i.e., categoryboundary), as has been reported in typical categorical perceptionstudies. If discrimination were based on comparing visual distor-tion levels, discrimination should on the contrary be enhancedfor adjacent images that are located on either the left or right sidesof the scale middle (i.e., for images with different distortion lev-els) but decreased for images that straddle the scale middle (i.e.,for images with symmetric distortion levels).

LimitationsA plausible limitation related to our conceptual analysis of theoriginal uncanny valley formulation (Mori, 1970) is that we haverelied on its English translation and other secondary sourcesinstead of the original article written in Japanese.

Given our inclusion criteria, we have only considered stud-ies that have operationalized affinity by self-report measures. Weacknowledge that the heterogeneity of self-report items used inthe previous studies has significantly reduced the value of com-paring their results with one another. Another consequence isthat we have omitted several relevant studies that have used phys-iological and behavioral measures, such as gaze tracking (e.g., Shi-mada et al., 2006) and haemodynamic response measurementsin the brain (e.g., Chaminade et al., 2007; Saygin et al., 2012).It could also be argued that identification task response times,which have already been utilized in some categorical studies (e.g.,Looser andWheatley, 2010; Cheetham et al., 2011), would in factbe good operational definitions of perceptual familiarity. A justi-fication for the present focus on self-report measurements is that

their results are easier to interpret than those of physiological orbehavioral measures. On the other hand, it should be acknowl-edged that physiological and behavioral measures could possiblyavoid the present ambiguities related to self-report items.

The present conclusions depend on the adopted evaluationcriteria, which are to some extent open to subjective interpre-tations. The function of these criteria was to avoid drawingfalse conclusions for our hypotheses; consequently, the criteriafocused on plausible threats to conclusions that could be drawnfrom individual studies. We have attempted to facilitate the crit-ical evaluation of this procedure by making it as transparentas possible. Because all possible aspects of experimental validitywere not covered, the adopted criteria cannot and should notbe taken as evidence for the experimental validity of the evalu-ated studies themselves. It should also be noticed that althoughwe have specified the minimal human-likeness levels required fortesting each hypothesis, this has been done solely for covering asmany studies as possible. These minimal levels should hence notbe taken as practical guidelines for empirical studies.

Although we have considered only the categorization ambigu-ity and perceptual mismatch explanations for the uncanny val-ley, it is worth noting that several other explanations have alsobeen suggested (e.g., see MacDorman and Ishiguro, 2006). Forexample, it has been suggested that realistic appearance wouldelicit unrealistic cognitive expectations (expectation violation);that non-lifelike characters would trigger innate fear of death(terror management); and that some artificial characters wouldbe eerie because they appear unfit, infertile, ill, or elicit other evo-lutionarily motivated aversive responses (evolutionary aesthet-ics). These explanations operate at different levels—the first tworefer to proximate causes (i.e., how the uncanny valley is caused),whereas the evolutionary explanation refers to an ultimate cause(why the uncanny valley exists; cf. Scott-Phillips et al., 2011).Other refinements of the uncanny valley theory have suggested,for example, that behavior that is consistent with a character’sappearance will lead to more positive reactions (i.e., a synergyeffect; Minato et al., 2004; Ishiguro, 2006). Although these areall empirically testable hypotheses, we have not included them inthe present review because they are either similar to the alreadyincluded hypotheses (e.g., expectation violation vs. inconsistentrealism hypotheses) or because they address higher-level topicsthat seem to presuppose the existence of the uncanny valley inone form or another.

We also acknowledge a recent refinement of the categoriza-tion ambiguity hypothesis, which has been suggested in two otherarticles of the present Frontiers Research Topic. As discussedby Schoenherr and Burleigh (2015), the uncanny valley couldrepresent an overarching “inverse mere-exposure effect” (ibid.,3), in which negative affect is caused by a lack of exposure tospecific stimuli or stimulus categories (e.g., the authors cite theoctopus as a species that is mundanely difficult to categorize).Burleigh and Schoenherr (2015) extend this idea by demonstrat-ing that categorization ambiguity and the frequency of exposureto specific within-category stimuli contribute independently tothe uncanny valley. For example, novel stimuli that were extrap-olations of their original training stimuli were categorized easilybut were nevertheless considered more eerie than stimuli within

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their training set. These recent considerations suggest that thecategorization ambiguity hypothesis alone would not necessarilybe sufficient for predicting emotional responses to the uncannyvalley.

Importance and Implications for Research andPracticePrevious articles have already reviewed the uncanny valley phe-nomenon (e.g., Brenton et al., 2005; Gee et al., 2005; Hanson,2005; Ishiguro, 2007; Eberle, 2009; Pollick, 2010; Tondu and Bar-dou, 2011; Zlotowski et al., 2013) and explicated, for example, thecategorization ambiguity (e.g., Cheetham et al., 2011) and percep-tual mismatch (e.g., MacDorman et al., 2009) hypotheses. How-ever, to our knowledge, this article is the first systematic review ofthe empirical evidence for the uncanny valley. Conceptual anal-ysis of the uncanny valley and consideration of plausible threatsto the conclusions drawn from previous studies to the presenthypotheses were used to improve the accuracy of our conclu-sions. The main contribution of the present article is the conclu-sion that all kinds of imaginable human-likeness manipulationsdo not automatically lead to the uncanny valley.

The practical implications of the present findings forcomputer animators and human-computer or human-robotinteraction developers hinge on whether these findings can begeneralized to realistic stimuli and contexts—that is, whetherthey are externally valid (the somewhat redundant term ecolog-ical validity could also be used; cf. Kvavilashvili and Ellis, 2004).The present review failed to identify direct evidence for or againstthe uncanny valley in realistic stimuli, with the exception ofsome tentative findings (Flach et al., 2012; for other excludedbut relevant studies, see Schneider et al., 2007; Tinwell, 2009;Tinwell et al., 2010). However, the reviewed results for artifi-cial but well-controlled stimuli should be generalizable to com-puter animations and other realistic stimuli as well, given that theexperimental stimuli clearly represented phenomena that wouldbe likely to exist also in the real world (cf. Kvavilashvili andEllis, 2004). For example, it is easy to imagine real computer-animated characters, whose individual features differ from eachother with respect to their realism (i.e., perceptual mismatch dueto inconsistent realism).

The present results could be taken to encourage the develop-ment of increasingly realistic computer animations (and otherartificial characters), given that more humanlike characters werein general found to elicit more positive affinity. However, the

perceptual mismatch results suggest that the uncanny valleyremains a plausible threat for such characters. A generallyhumanlike character with subtle flaws in some focal features (e.g.,eyes), would be likely to elicit negative affinity. The reviewedfindings that individuals are increasingly sensitive to atypical fea-tures on more humanlike characters would suggest that avoidingthe uncanny valley will become exponentially more difficult asthe characters’ overall appearance approaches the level of fullhuman-likeness. This does not mean that computer animatorsor robotics researchers should shy away from the grand chal-lenge of creating fully humanlike artificial entities. However, formany practical applications, there may be certain wisdom in the

Mori’s (1970) original advice of escaping the uncanny valley byattempting to design only moderately humanlike entities.


Taken together, the present review suggested that although notany kind of human-likeness manipulation leads to the uncannyvalley, the uncanny valley could be caused by more specific per-ceptual mismatch conditions. Such conditions could originate, atleast, from inconsistent realism levels between individual features(e.g., artificial eyes on a humanlike face) or from the presenceof atypical features (e.g., atypically large eyes) on an otherwisehumanlike character. Categorical perception of human-likenesscontinua ranging from artificial to human was supported; how-ever, the present findings failed to support the suggestion thatcategorization ambiguity would be associated with experiencednegative affinity. The results also highlight the need for develop-ing a unified metric for evaluating the subjective, perceptual, andemotional experiences associated with the uncanny valley.


This work has been in part supported by the HeCSE and UCITgraduate schools. We thank Dr. Pia Tikka, Prof. Niklas Ravaja,and Dr. Aline de Borst for fruitful discussions on the topic.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be foundonline at: http://www.frontiersin.org/journal/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00390/abstract


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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was con-

ducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be

construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Copyright © 2015 Kätsyri, Förger, Mäkäräinen and Takala. This is an open-access

article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC

BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the

original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this

journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution

or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 16 April 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 390

A review of empirical evidence on different uncanny valley ...kforger.kapsi.fi/...of...uncanny_valley_hypotheses.pdf · uncanny valley hypotheses derived from the original uncanny - [PDF Document] (2024)
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